
Cannabis Drying -
The best cannabis drying method

As a producer of the finest cannabis, you are constantly striving for the best quality cannabis, grown and processed at the lowest cost with an easy-to-manage process. Without a doubt, a smooth continuity of your process is high on your priority list. Deploying a quality cannabis drying system helps you to achieve this. Different drying…

How cannabis can help with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and ALS.
How cannabis can help with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and ALS.

Neurodegenerative diseases are incurable and debilitating diseases that result in a progressive degeneration (deterioration) of nerve cells, the death of those cells, or a combination of both. Examples are Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and Huntington’s disease. Medical cannabis is increasingly used to relieve the most harmful symptoms of these diseases. Deterioration of the nerve cells…

CBN - A natural painkiller and sleep aid
CBN – A natural painkiller and sleep aid.

CBN, cannabinol. A natural pain reliever and sleep aid. The popularity of cannabinoids is increasing more and more, but the best known remains CBD (cannabidiol). However, there are many other interesting cannabinoids, each with their own specific effects. This article is about CBN, less known but no less interesting. What is CBN? CBN is one…

EU considers labeling CBD as a narcotic
EU considers labeling CBD as a narcotic

‘A bomb’. That’s how a spokesman for the European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA) calls the news that the European Commission is postponing the assessment of more than fifty ‘novel food’ applications for CBD products and considers CBD derived from hemp ‘for the time being’ as a narcotic, prohibited in the UN drug treaties. What is…

Rare cannabinoid CBM shows promise in diabetes

Can cannabis cure diabetes? A growing body of research suggests that certain cannabinoids are promising. Italian researchers take that even further. In recent years, scientists have discovered that various cannabinoids have a positive effect on diabetes. The rare component CBM also appears to be able to do this, according to new research. This information comes…

Children and Medical Cannabis
Children and medical cannabis

Children and medicinal cannabis; it might seem like a strange combination. But research and practice show that there are many ailments in which children benefit from medical cannabis. In this article, our friends at, the leading Dutch forum about medical cannabis, dove a little deeper into this topic. Normalization of medical cannabis When people…

Cannabis, cannabinoids, terpenes
Cannabis, cannabinoids, terpenes – hype or medicine?

When we browse through any magazine or surf on Internet and Facebook pages, we can hardly avoid advertisements for cannabis or hemp products that contain CBD. Why are so many companies interested in cannabis lately? And why are they bringing more and more CBD and other products containing cannabinoids onto the market? Is this just…

Welcome to Cantopia
Welcome to Cantopia!

Good to have you here! You have arrived at Europe’s main trade platform for Cannabis and Hemp (related) products and services. Cantopia focusses on the top levels of the supply chain. Production, processing, bulk trade, white labels, machinery, etc. European supply only features products from vetted and approved European suppliers. In order to…