Hey, you connoisseur! Are you ready for the ultimate taste experience? Think sun-ripened strawberries combined with the power of HPC and CBD.

But beware! This little taste miracle is very limited. So if you don’t want to risk missing out, you should grab it now. First come, first served!

4.0% HPC and 5% CBD; THC: < 0.1%

What is HPC?

HPC is a natural and legal THC alternative.
It is an enhanced version of a 10-OH HHCP blend, specifically optimized for smoking and vaping. When smoked, its effects are similar to THC, providing a quick onset and a pleasant feeling that lasts about 2–3 hours, depending on intensity. Unlike other options, it doesn’t have extended or next-day effects, making it ideal for a more controlled experience.

HPC is particularly well-suited for infusing flowers or hash. A concentration of 3–4% (roughly 40g of distillate per 1kg of flowers) delivers a potent effect. 

The development of HPC involved extensive R&D with cutting-edge labs in Switzerland and Germany. The specific structural formula is safeguarded to ensure compliance and longevity across regulatory environments. However, given producer’s commitment to partners, the authenticity of these products is rigorously validated to confirm they are derived exclusively from the cannabis plant, comply with legal requirements, and meet safety standards for toxicity.

Are HPC flowers legal?

Yes, they are! HPC is not covered by the Narcotics Act (BtmG) or the New Psychoactive Substances Act (NpSG).

Safety and side effects of HPC flowers

Our HPC flowers are manufactured under strict quality standards. This purity guarantees a pollutant-free product that meets the highest safety requirements. Although HPC is classified as safe, as with any cannabinoid, it must be handled responsibly. There are currently no studies on HPC.

Attention: Our HPC flowers are only intended for smoking and as a collector’s item and are not recommended for consumption. We accept no liability for improper use.

  • U-licensed industrial hemp variety
  • Not recommended for consumption
  • We accept no liability for damage if handled improperly
  • Not for sale to under 18s, keep away from children
  • May have an intoxicating effect on some people
  • Does not fall under the SMG/BTMG & NPS


100 gr. €345
500 gr. €1375
1000 gr. €2350
5000 gr. €10000