CannerGrow is a project founded by Cannerald (Switzerland) that combines professional cultivation with an easy to use Customer-End-Web interface. CannerGrow offers the first and (so far) only Plant-Growing-Service in the entire Cannabis industry. With CannerGrow, anyone from all around the world can get started in the cannabis industry, be a virtual grower and get a piece of this huge billion-dollar market. CannerGrow puts the highest quality first to satisfy their customers. To be able to ensure this level of satisfaction, CannerGrow strictly adheres to Swiss quality standards, while setting new standards in the cannabis industry.
With various locations in different countries, CannerGrow operates internationally and makes use of the various regulations and laws of these countries.
The market
The cannabis market continues to develop at an ever-faster pace. After years of propaganda and prohibition, it is now increasingly socially acceptable again. As so often in recent times, the American continent set the trend, with Uruguay becoming the first country to fully legalize cannabis.
After the legalization in California and Canada, the wave spread to Europe, where Switzerland is the pioneer (Growing without licenses). More and more people want to participate in the cannabis industry and grow cannabis by themselves. They quickly find out that there are three main problems to do so:
Strict regulations: Every country has different laws, and in most of the countries, the law is even obscure.
High financial risk: To start your own professional cannabis production, you have to invest at least a few million Euro’s.
Lack of know-how: Every plant has to be treated specially. From the irrigation and light system to the final sales, it is necessary to have in-depth knowledge.
The solution
With CannerGrow, everyone can own their own cannabis plant(s), without having to worry about any of the problems mentioned above.
CannerGrow offer this opportunity to the small purse as well as to more significant investors; everyone can get his or her foot into the industry together with CannerGrow.
With CannerGrow’s online plant sale, everyone will be able to participate in the billion-dollar cannabis market. You can own your first plant within a few mouse clicks and the CannerGrow team makes sure your plant is healthy and harvested during each grow cycle.
Numerous factors play a role when cultivating cannabis plants, such as high-quality lighting, precisely calculated ventilation and ideal irrigation, as well as many other things.
At all CannerGrow factories, high end equipment is used that enables CannerGrow to compete with competitors all around the world.
Getting started in the professional cannabis industry was never more accessible. CannerGrow is your way to go.
How it works
CannerGrow is presenting an online Plant Sale on the CannerGrow platform. You can buy one or more cannabis plants on this CannerGrow platform. Every digital sold plant will represent a physical cannabis plant in one of CannerGrow’s grow rooms.
The plants are harvested every 2-3 months. In this period, you do not have to worry about anything. CannerGrow experts are taking care of everything. When the plant is ready and harvested, CannerGrow can either ship you your harvested cannabis, or you can choose to sell your harvest via CannerGrow and have a significant revenue.
After the harvest, a new cycle will start. You will not have to buy a new plant. CannerGrow will set up a new plant for your that will generate new revenue when it is harvested again. After that, again, again and again, etc.
During the plant growth cycle, you will be able to monitor the progress via live camera footage.

Above is the expected harvest per plant that CannerGrow projects on each grow. Below are price indications and future projections of the prices per gram that you will be able to receive for your harvest when you choose to sell your harvest back to CannerGrow, instead of having your harvest sent to you for your own purposes.

CannerGrow will try to buy your CBD after every harvest for the fairest price that they can offer. CannerGrow will continuously try to achieve higher prices, by investing in sales chanels that will generate higher margins, for instance by expanding B2C sales and acquiring additional certifications (GMP, medical).
The running costs of growing your plant(s) are €35 per plant per cycle. These costs will be substracted from the harvest and the remaining amount (profit) will be split in 50% to CannerGrow and 50% to the plant-owner (you). Should there be a loss instead of a profit after the costs are deducted, you will not be held responsible and you don’t have to pay to share in the loss.
As with any investment, we advise you to make a thourough calculation of ROI and a risk assessment.
Insurance is an area that is taken very seriously at CannerGrow. CannerGrow has thought of everything to reliably protect their business model, the future of their vision and every one of their customers. Therefore, CannerGrow has taken out a variety of farreaching insurance policies, which take effect in the following cases:
- Yield loss
- Theft
- Third-party impacts
- Vandalism
- Water damage
- Fire damage & loss by fire
Affiliate Program
In addition to the revenue you can make on your harvested cannabis, CannerGrow also offers the possibility to earn extra income by referring to the CannerGrow project.
CannerGrow provides a Unilevel Compensation Plan, which is paying you up to 20% of your partner’s Plants within your first seven levels.
Furthermore, CannerGrow offers you a residual Income Bonus, which is paying you up to 20% bonus within your first seven levels and allows you to build a passive income.
The video below will show you all about this affiliate program:
Referal link
To be able to set up an account at CannerGrow, You will need a referal link: You are more than welcome to join our team. If you have any questions along the way, we will help you in the best way we can. Once you have set up your own account, you can buy your plants directly from your dashboard and also start your own team.
Full presentation
You can look back at the CannerGrow explaination video below or find the full CannerGrow Business Presentation by clicking this link. If you need additional information, please contact us at